Be Our Partner (Work with us)
People in the world today have a general feeling of goodwill towards companies that have more on their agendas than making money. Altruism, the belief in or practice of concern for the well-being of others, has huge impact. A profitable, ethical and socially responsible business can enhance the well-being of employees and their families, vendors, customers and the community. And it can improve the broader marketplace by raising the standards among the competition and contributing to a more robust economy.
Martin Enterprises loves its current partners, some of whom have done business with the non-profit for over 30 years but is always ready to welcome new participants. Based on the above
information, choosing to contract with Martin Enterprises is a positive for both entities.
ME has an excellent reputation for error free, quality work, on time completion, shipping capabilities, warehouse space and an ample amount of workers to get the job done!
Kitting, Assembly, Packaging and Reworking
Whether it is boxing, bagging, sorting, repackaging, kitting, assembly, reworking or a combination there of; we have the people and the equipment to handle the job. Outsourcing these functions can increase your efficiency and productivity and allow your employees to focus a greater percentage of their efforts on marketing, selling and manufacturing.
Padding Food Trays
Martin Enterprises has been padding food trays for over 30 years. Trays are shipped in bulk to our warehouse, padded and then shipped out to the appropriate vendor. This, in turn, frees up space at the food processor’s facility.
Cardboard – cardboard is donated to Martin Enterprises by businesses and individuals. Boxes are brought to our facility or we do have the capability to travel for pickup of large quantities. The boxes are baled on site and then sold to a recycler.
For additional information or to have a job priced call our Production Manager, Eric Manning, at 252-792-8251.